Massage Therapy is a subject of great debate in all circles. Unfortunately, it has been an uphill battle against the medical community for over a century (since “modern medicine” came into play that is) to establish a foothold in the arena of health and wellness. If this all sounds combative, well, that is because it is. The community of massage therapists has labored to educate the general public about the benefits of massage and all of its associated therapies and practices. The medical and pharmaceutical industry has been a constant naysayer about the practice of massage and its “benefits”. Why would anyone need a pill to ease headaches if they had a massage? Why would anyone need to take high blood pressure medicine if they had regular massage to relieve stress? Why not lower your medical bills and enjoy a better life with regular massage! Great questions, but don’t take my word for it, see what the experts and the actual research has to say about it. Also included below are links of interest from the article.
Read this article: Benefits of Massage
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